Early Career Community (EC)

The Early Career Community was established to involve members in the very early stage of their careers and support their role as the future of the organization. Our mission is to encourage this Community of early career ASCPT members to share experiences, knowledge, and inspiration.

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Past Webinar:

The webinars below can be accessed in the Members Only Webinar Library: Access Library
  • To Consult or Not To Consult? The Role of the Consultant in Drug Discovery
  • Pre-Emptive Pharmacogenomic Testing Reduces the Risk of Adverse Drug Reactions by 30%: The Time for Implementation is Now
  • ASCPT Early Career (EC) Community Interview Series Featuring: Daniele Ouellet, PhD, and Karen Rowland Yeo, PhD (open access)
  • Recent Perspectives and Advances on the Development of Cell Therapies for Cancer
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Scientific Talks and Poster Sessions
  • ASCPT Early Career (EC) Community Interview Series Featuring: Antoinette Ajavon-Hartmann, PhD (open access)
  • Introduction of Deep Learning in Drug Discovery and Development, Part 3 – Computer Vision with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
  • Introduction of Deep Learning in Drug Discovery and Development, Part 2: Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
  • Introduction of Deep Learning in Drug Discovery and Development Part 1
  • Effective Visual Communication for Quantitative Scientists, Part 2
  • Effective Visual Communication for Quantitative Scientists, Part 1
  • Early Career Interview with Certara's Ellen Leinfuss
  • Pharmacogenomics Studies in Caribbean Hispanics Bridging the Gap to Reduce Healthcare Disparities
  • Mental Health & Addiction (MHA) and Early Career (EC) Communities Interview Series Part 2
  • Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Considerations in the Development of Immune Oncology Drugs (Encore Presentation)
  • Mental Health & Addiction (MHA) and Early Career (EC) Communities Interview Series Part 1
  • Who Is an Editor-in-Training?
  • Staying Engaged in Your Career Without Burning Out: A Call for Action to Build Resilience
  • ASCPT Interview Series Featuring Don Heald, PhD, and Kellie Reynolds, PharmD
  • Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Considerations in the Development of Immune Oncology Drugs
  • Early Career ‘Pearls’ and ‘Pitfalls’ – What I Wish I Had Known in My First Five Years!
  • Coffee Break with the ASCPT’s Editors- in-Training


Yuqing Gong

Yuqing Gong, PhD

Community Chair


Jackie Gerhart

Jackie Gerhart, PhD

Community Vice Chair


V Ayyar

Vivaswath Ayyar, PhD

Community Past Chair


Steering Committee Members:

Van Anh (Vika) Nguyen, PhD
Ya-Feng (Jay) Wen, PharmD, PhD
Kunal Jhunjhunwala, PhD
Wafaa Aldhafiri, MS
Allen Lat, PharmD
Sharmila Das, PharmD, PhD
Navaz Karimian Pour, PhD
Karen Li, PharmD

Early Career Liaisons to Networks

Vivaswath Ayyar, PhD
Brian Ferslew, PharmD, PhD
Malek Okour, PhD
Sonal Singh, PhD 
Max Smith, PharmD

Journal Family Editors-in-Training

Jane KnÓ§chel
Brian Cicali
Zhu Zhou
Zachary Taylor
Mai Mehanna
Ya-Feng Wen
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