Networks & Communities

Networks and Communities

As the primary forum for member exchange and networking, ASCPT’s Networks and Communities promote interaction among members who share a common field of interest. In doing so, they facilitate scientific growth within that area. Update your Member Profile to affiliate with your desired Networks and Communities.

Quantitative Pharmacology (QP) Translational & Precision Medicine (TPM) Development, Regulatory & Outcomes (DRO)
Biologics Biomarkers & Translational Tools (BTT) Cell, Gene, Regenerative Medicine & Nucleic Acid (CGRN)
Pharmacometrics & Pharmacokinetics (PMK) Infectious Diseases (INF) Drug Utilization & Outcomes (DUO)
Physiological Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Simulation (PBPK) Membrane Transporter (MT) Early Development & Drug Safety (EDDS)
Systems Pharmacology (SP) Mental Health & Addiction (MHA) Global Health (GH)
Translational Informatics (TI) Oncology (ONC) Life Cycle Management (LCM)
  Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Regulatory Science (RS)
  Precision Dosing (PD)  
  Rare Diseases (RD)  
  Specific Populations (SPO)  
 Early Career (EC) 
 Student & Trainee (ST)


Networks: ASCPT members are aligned into 3 broad Networks - Quantitative Pharmacology (QP), Translational & Precision Medicine (TPM) and Development, Regulatory & Outcomes (DRO). These Networks act as a “home” for members and allow for professional development, networking, leadership opportunities and scientific engagement.

Communities:  ASCPT fosters innovation and remains at the forefront of emerging science; through member-driven Communities. Communities are fluid, smaller groups that enable members to unify around a specific scientific discipline.
Scientific Programming
Networking Opportunities
Following a consistent Rhythm of Business
Act as Discipline Experts for ASCPT
Build an On-line Presence
Share Research
Network leadership is appointed by the ASCPT President for a 1-year term; the Vice Chair acts as the Incoming Chair before transitioning to Past Chair. Network leadership comprises a Steering Committee composed minimally of the Community leadership, but may also have additional appointments (e.g., social media/website, initiative leads. etc.) as necessary.

Community Leadership is appointed by the Network Chairs for a 1-year term; the Vice Chair will be the Incoming Chair before transitioning to the Past Chair. The ASCPT President endorses the final appointments. Community Leadership may also form ad hoc Steering Committees, as needed.

Additionally, members may form around a common theme. To receive formal recognition as a “Community” a minimum of 30 interested members is required, with approval from Network Leaders and ASCPT's Board of Directors. The performance of Communities are evaluated by Network leaders as necessary to assess they are meeting the needs of members. Please contact members@ascpt.org if you are interested in forming a Community.
Visit your Member Dashboard to set your Network/Community preferences.  Use the Volunteer Interest form to explore additional volunteer opportunities.


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