The Drug Utilization & Outcomes (DUO) Community leverages the diverse expertise of researchers interested in aspects related to health economics and outcomes research, epidemiology and utilization of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, machine learning, real world data/evidence, and data science to optimize drug utilization and outcomes for the ultimate betterment of patients.
Community Goals
- Leverage expertise of Community members through discussing and exchanging ideas about emerging trends and contemporary topics related to drug utilization and outcomes.
- Educate researchers and drug developers on health outcomes, comparative effectiveness, and pharmacoeconomics topics through scientific programming, including workshops, symposia, and webinars.
- Promote collaboration with other key scientific stakeholders sharing similar goals, other ASCPT Communities, and other scientific organizations.
- Facilitate integration of knowledge across different disciplines and over the medical product life cycle to ultimately inform decisions on high quality, cost-effective, and patient-centered health care.