Student & Trainee Community (ST)

The Student & Trainee (ST) Community was established to support the professional development of students and trainees at all levels of their academic journey - undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral - and engage them with ASCPT. We are committed to empowering our community members to become future leaders in clinical pharmacology and translational science. Through our initiatives, we aim to inspire a lifelong passion for learning, research, and professional growth.

  • Educational and Research Excellence:
    • Provide students with access to cutting-edge knowledge and research through workshops, webinars, and programming for the ASCPT Annual Meeting.
    • Facilitate opportunities for students to present their research, receive feedback, and gain recognition within the scientific community.
  • Professional Development:
    • Raise awareness about career opportunities in the field and support career readiness through soft skill building, networking sessions, and career fair events.
    • Offer mentorship programs connecting students/trainees with experienced professionals to guide their professional development.
  • Community Engagement:
    • Organize social events and build an inclusive community where members can share experiences, challenges, and successes with a sense of belonging and mutual support.Foster collaboration with other ASCPT Networks and Communities through dedicated student/trainee liaisons.
ASCPT is proud to offer complimentary membership to qualified students and trainees! Join the ST Community today and elevate your academic and career journey with state-of-the-art knowledge and a supportive network of peers and mentors!
Join the LinkedIn group.
Past Webinars:
The webinars below can be accessed in the Members Only Webinar Library: Access Library
  • Writing Webinar Series Part II: Telling Scientific Story Through Data Visualization
  • To Consult or Not To Consult? The Role of the Consultant in Drug Discovery
  • Pre-Emptive Pharmacogenomic Testing Reduces the Risk of Adverse Drug Reactions by 30%: The Time for Implementation is Now
  • CV and Essential Interview Skills Workshop
  • Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Simulation, Part 2 of 2
  • Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Simulation, Part 1 of 2
  • Introduction to the Student & Trainee (ST) Community (open access)
Shuhan Liu

Shuhan Liu, MS

Community Chair


Chazmyn Riley

Chazmyn Riley, PharmD

Community Vice Chair


Patty Maglalang

Patty Maglalang, PharmD

Community Past Chair


Don Heald

Don Heald, PhD

Community Mentor


Steering Committee

Emily Miller
An Le, PharmD
Inez Lam, PhD
Prerna Dodeja, MS
Shayna Killam, PharmD, MS - Board of Directors Member
Abbie Leino, PharmD, PhD
Mattie Hartauer - MT Liaison
Tatiana Iakovleva, PharmD, MS - SP Liaison
Lianjin Cai, MS - PBPK Liaison
Caroline Grant - TI Liaison

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