Networks & Communities | About ASCPT
ASCPT is a multi-disciplinary catalyst for emerging science committed to integrity and diversity. When you make a tax-free donation, you support clinical pharmacology and translational medicine for the safe and effective discovery, development, regulation, and utilization of medicines for improved patient care.
Members receive a complimentary subscription to Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, the leading journal in the field of clinical pharmacology, in addition to the Open Access content of CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology and Clinical and Translational Science. Members also obtain exclusive access to members-only webinars and the Webinar Library.
Members receive substantial discounts on ASCPT Annual Meeting registration rates and have the opportunity to further their connections through ASCPT’s Networks & Communities.
Members are encouraged to submit research and programming ideas to the ASCPT Annual Meeting, the ASCPT Journal Family, the Webinar Program, and the ASCPT Catalyst podcast. Member can nominate themselves or a worthy colleague to serve on the Board of Directors.
There are a number of fraudulent list rental and registration scams targeting scientific society meeting participants. If you receive any communications from someone claiming to sell any ASCPT contact list and/or manage registration or exhibitor information, please forward them to so they can be tracked.
News, research, Networks, leadership opportunities and community
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology
Clinical and Translational Science
Schedules and event listings including webinars, podcasts and meetings.
Job seekers and employers review and post job listings and resumes
Comprehensive Support for ASCPT Members
Timely information to keep you up-to-date
Wishing you a new year filled with breakthroughs in translational science! At Clinical and Transla... Read More...
CTS invites submissions for a special collection dedicated to identifying, assessing, validating,... Read More...
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