Author: Sue Rahman, PharmD Published on 8/27/2020 9:00:00 AMAfter resisting for five months, I finally gave in and agreed to vacate the dining room table in favor of a proper office set-up as we continue to work from home. Not willing to violate the sanctity of my partner’s mancave, and by extension the health of our relationship, I was left to fashion an office from a corner of our bedroom. I picked up a few essentials, set them up around my grandfather’s old desk (more sentimental than it is practical), and grudgingly forwent the modern office chair I was eyeing for an ergonomic monstrosity after the sales associate “suggested” I consider a “Big & Tall” option.
So, I sit in this new “office” working away, grateful that one of my biggest challenges is ensuring my partner does not pop into frame in dishabille while I’m in a virtual meeting. However, I am acutely aware that colleagues are facing a mountain of other challenges, including:
· Learning to effectively work from home while maintaining productivity and work-life balance.
· Transitioning from in-person to tele-management which requires a uniquely different skill set.
· Maintaining one’s own physical/mental health while ensuring the wellbeing of direct reports.
· Balancing professional responsibilities while attending to children who may be learning virtually.
In the weeks ahead you will see a survey coming from ASCPT initiated by passionate members of our Mental Health and Addiction Community (Kristin Bigos, PhD, Mary Peace McRae, PharmD, PhD, and Vijay Ramchandani, PhD). We will be seeking your guidance on programming that ASCPT can offer which would positively impact you as you continue to navigate this unique time. We hope you know that a commitment to the personal and professional success of our members remains a priority for the Society.
Now if only I can get environmental services at this new office to do something about the state of my executive bathroom. Oh, wait…