Author: [AUTHOR] Published on 11/2/2020 10:00:00 AMASCPT Pharmacometrics & Pharmacokinetcs (PMK) Community Members-Only Webinar
Title: Effective Visual Communication for Quantitative Scientists, 2-Part Series
Part 2 Date and Time: Friday, January 22, 2021, 11:00 am ET
Speakers: Mark Baillie, PharmD, Baldur Magnusson, PhD, Alison Margolskee, PhD, and Marc Vandemeulebroecke, PhD
Moderator: Neeraj Gupta, PhD
Description: Effective visual communication (EVC) is a core competency for all scientists who work with data, such as pharmacologists, pharmacometricians, statisticians, data scientists, etc. By using the right graphical principles, we can better understand data, highlight core insights, and influence decisions toward appropriate actions. Without them, we can mislead others and ourselves and pave the way to wrong conclusions and actions.
The aim of this 2-part webinar is to provide a deep dive into EVC for quantitative scientists through a series of case studies and exercises, focusing on the key principles of purpose, clarity, and message.
Format of the 2-part webinar:
- Part 1: Presenters will provide an overview of EVC principles and walk through case studies applying a structured approach to creating an effective visualization, and introduce hands-on examples for homework for Part 2
- Homework: Between Parts 1 and 2, participants are asked to apply the structured approach to improve a graph or to visualize a dataset and submit their work prior to Part 2 for discussion.
- Part 2: Facilitators will discuss hands-on examples (homework) introduced in Part 1 with EVC principles in mind. Some attendees may be invited to participate as panelists to discuss their approach. Attendees can participate by providing comments through chat functionality.
Part 1 Resources: Presentation Slides; Graphic Principles Webinar
Part 2 Registration Link: