Call for Papers: Real World Evidence

Author: [AUTHOR] Published on 3/4/2021 6:51:00 AM

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics ““Real World Evidence” themed issue
Real world evidence

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (CPT), the flagship journal of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (ASCPT) and the premier publication in clinical pharmacology, is inviting submissions for a special themed issue on “Real World Evidence,” which is scheduled for publication in January of 2022.

The Real World Evidence (RWE) themed issue will focus on the evolving field and increasing importance of RWE in the discovery, development, surveillance and regulation of medical products. Example topics that are in scope include but are not limited to: RWE in identification of novel drug targets including applications of genetic epidemiology; use of RWE to optimize protocol design, site selection, clinical trial enrollments and capture of clinical endpoints; use of RWE studies to generate evidence of medical product effectiveness, post-approval surveillance of utilization and safety of medical products. Of particular interest will be original research papers employing novel study and statistical methods, use of RWE to augment/complement evidence from randomized controlled trials, and the role of RWE in support of regulatory and payer decision-making.

Original research article submissions will be prioritized, but reviews, position/white papers, and educational, tutorial-style papers will also be considered.

Please contact cpteditor@ascpt.org for details about manuscript types and format requirements.

To be considered for publication in this high-profile themed issue, manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission and tracking system by July 15, 2021.

If you would like to make a pre-submission inquiry, please contact the CPT editorial office at cpteditor@ascpt.org.

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