I am ASCPT: Erica Woodahl

Author: [AUTHOR] Published on 9/1/2023 12:00:00 AM

Erica Woodahl
Erica Woodahl, PhD, Professor, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana

What Professional Accomplishment Are You Most Proud Of?
I am most proud of my trainees, current and former. They continue to inspire me and make me laugh!

Do You Have a Favorite Tip or Trick for Clinical Practice or Research that you Want to Share with Fellow Members?
I find in my research with underserved communities that it is important to listen more than to speak. If you give people a little extra time to think – more time than you would expect – you will be surprised by what you learn.

What is Your Favorite Society Memory?
Seeing everyone in person at the most recent Annual Meeting! It was so great to reconnect with everyone.

What Was Your Childhood Dream Job?
To be a ski bum.

What's One Thing People Would Be Surprised to Know About You?
I used to dye my hair all sorts of crazy colors in graduate school.

Dr. Woodahl has been a member of ASCPT since 2011.

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