I am ASCPT: Porter Hunt

Author: [AUTHOR] Published on 11/1/2023 12:00:00 AM

Porter Hunt
Porter Hunt, PhD, Fellow, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?
Receiving the ASCPT 2023 David J. Goldstein, MD, PhD, Presidential Trainee Award was unexpected yet highly motivating. I am fortunate to have an amazing mentor and collaborators, and this success is also theirs. Samuel Dubinsky is particularly deserving of recognition. I am grateful for the vote of confidence from the ASCPT leadership and community, and I will continue to pursue excellence in my work and collaborations to help improve pharmacotherapy for all.

Who has inspired you in your career?
Jesus Christ is my greatest inspiration in my life and my career. I believe God continues to promote healing through miracles that include the discoveries and efforts of devoted people.

My current mentor Kevin Watt, MD, PhD, is simply inspiring. He admirably models the roles of husband, father, athlete, doctor, professor, scientist, and mentor. He shares his constant support, patient optimism, and belief that I can make a difference in the world.

Do you have a favorite tip or trick for clinical practice or research that you want to share with fellow members?
In our work, we design and conduct clinical studies that will benefit children and their families. One of our children has spina bifida and underwent several neurosurgeries before her first birthday. My experience as the father of a patient has helped me to design and conduct clinical research from the patient and family perspective. We are grateful for her doctors. I am also grateful, humbled, and inspired when I meet patients and families who want to help others and our research provides them with that opportunity. I also believe we should strive for integrity as our highest professional priority.

When you are not working, how do you spend your free time?
I love hiking in the mountains near our home, sprinting, powerlifting, and playing the piano. I am also enthusiastic about genealogy and family history — I am a volunteer family history consultant, and I would love to help you discover and connect with yours! My favorite pastime is making my beautiful wife smile and spending quality time with her and our amazing children.

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
When I was young, my Caucasian father spoke to me mostly in Chinese. Since that time, I have worked to improve my Chinese speaking, reading, and writing. I now speak Chinese to our children and would love to live in China someday. I am also fluent in Spanish.

Porter has been a member of ASCPT since 2022.

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