Call for Papers: Anti-Infectives

Author: [AUTHOR] Published on 6/4/2020 3:25:00 PM

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics “Anti-Infectives” themed issue
Anti infectives

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (CPT), the flagship journal of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (ASCPT) and the premier publication in clinical pharmacology, is inviting submissions for a special themed issue on “Anti-Infectives”, which is scheduled for publication in April 2021.

The Anti-Infectives themed issue will focus on providing multi-faceted approaches to developing effective anti-infective therapies and perspectives on key clinical pharmacology considerations in this area. Example of topics that are in scope include: comprehensive translational approaches for advancing the development of anti-microbial products and clinical pharmacology related principles in addressing challenges to overcoming antibacterial resistance. Papers focusing on contemporary applied methods including QSP modeling, innovative in silico approaches, and novel pharmacological targets for hard-to-treat infections are encouraged.

Submissions may be original research articles, reviews, position/white papers or shorter perspectives. Educational, tutorial-style papers will also be considered. Please contact cpteditor@ascpt.org for details about manuscript types and format requirements.

To be considered for publication in this high-profile themed issue, manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission and tracking system by November 1, 2020.

If you would like to make a pre-submission inquiry, please contact the CPT editorial office at cpteditor@ascpt.org.

Image credit: Alena Ohneva/Getty Images

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