I am ASCPT: Deok Yong Yoon

Author: [AUTHOR] Published on 9/1/2023 12:00:00 AM

Deok Yong Yoon, PharmD, PhD, Postdoctoral Associate, University of Florida, Orlando, Florida

Why did you Submit your Abstract to the ASCPT 2023 Annual Meeting?
I submitted two abstracts to the ASCPT 2023 Annual Meeting. One is about the disease progression model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy for developing clinical trial simulation tools, and the other is about an investigational initiative trial to explore the mechanism of metformin. I wanted to have the opportunity to present my projects in person at ASCPT 2023.

What Has Been the Greatest Challenge in Your Career?
During my PhD training, I had to manage more than three clinical trials simultaneously. As a result, meeting deadlines became challenging due to unexpected but urgent events that often arose. But I learned from this experience. Continuously facing these situations repeatedly taught me how to plan ahead, and now I am able to handle multiple projects simultaneously.

What is Your Favorite Society Memory?
Attending the awards reception was my favorite Society memory. It was the first time I had the privilege to meet numerous distinguished scientists in a private setting, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I felt incredibly honored to have been invited to the reception.

When You Are Not Working, How Do You Spend Your Free Time?
I absolutely love traveling, and my favorite hobby is scuba diving. Similar to a scientist who enjoys researching unexplored areas, I relish exploring new places that I have never visited before, including under the sea.

What Was Your Childhood Dream Job?
When I was young, I wanted to be a scientist who studied something related to biology because it was my favorite subject. As I grew up, my dream became more specific. I wanted to be a scientist who could help patients by using the means of medicine. Now I work in the fields of clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics, and I am very happy to have my childhood dream job.

Dr. Yoon has been a member of ASCPT since 2018.

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