Author: John A. Wagner, MD, PhD on July 19, 2019
The most recent impact factor (IF) numbers are in, and Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) has again doubled its IF to 3.989. The 2018 IF is the first year that we “own” the entire metric. Last year, we owned half the 2017 metric and the IF was 1.954, while two years ago, the old editorial leadership of CTS accounted for the entire 2016 IF of 0.860. So, you can see the new CTS content and editorial strategy – with a goal of becoming the beacon for the field of translational medicine – have been highly effective.
IF is a “biomarker” of the influence and intellectual rigor of the published research. Simply stated, the IF is a way of assessing journal performance by calculating how often researchers cite journal papers. Here’s a quick lesson on how IF works: Clarivate Analytics, the organization that publishes the Journal Citation Reports, which includes the IF, calculates the number of current year citations of articles published in the two previous years, which is then divided by the number of articles published during those two years.
Essentially, the IF provides a 2-year rolling citation average. CTS has now been published by ASCPT for three full years (2016, 2017, and 2018), which means we “own” the entire 2018 metric (i.e., 2016 and 2017).
As you know, CTS is the newest member of the ASCPT family of journals. CTS was acquired by ASCPT in 2015 and began publishing under the ASCPT banner in 2016, and highlights original translational medicine research that helps bridge laboratory discoveries with the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. CTS focuses broadly on translational medicine, differentiated from Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, a cross-disciplinary journal in experimental and clinical medicine, and CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, focused on quantitative (e.g., modeling and simulation) methods as applied in pharmacology, physiology and therapeutics in humans.
The CTS editorial team would like to thank CTS authors and readers, the ASCPT membership, and the many folks who make the Journal work, including our terrific peer reviewers, as well as ASCPT and Wiley staff. This is your impact factor! Our authors are creating the quality content that is ultimately cited in the scientific literature, driving the growing interest in translational medicine and clinical pharmacology communities. The Journal owes its success to all of you. The vision for CTS is to become the beacon and organizing principle for the field of translational medicine, as well as to provide a vehicle for ASCPT member publications. The laser focus and implementation of this vision has driven the new IF results and remains well-aligned with the 2015-2020 ASCPT Strategic Plan, asserting the Society as the authority on the science and practice of translational medicine. Please continue to help drive our impact and submit to CTS!
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