Author: [AUTHOR] Published on 2/16/2022 9:00:00 AMAppointment Furthers ASCPT's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Feb 16, 2022, 13:00 ET
ALEXANDRIA, Va., Feb. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- During the March 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT), Mark Dresser, PhD, will accept the gavel as President, the first openly LGBTQ+ President in the Society's 122-year history. Dresser, who has been an active member of ASCPT since 2010, is Senior Vice President, Biomarker Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology, at Gilead Sciences, Inc. in Foster City, CA, Adjunct Professor at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), and an advocate for LGBTQ+ equality in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
"As President of the Society, I know Mark will bring his vision, energy, and enthusiasm to ASCPT's strategic plan, enhancing the value proposition for members of the Society," said Sharon Swan, FASAE, CEO of ASCPT.
In the course of his time with ASCPT, Dresser has served on the Board of Directors and as an Associate Editor for Clinical and Translational Science. He is also past Chair of the Scientific Program Committee and the Scientific Awards Nomination Task Force. Before entering the biotech industry, Dresser completed his education and training at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and UCSF. In 2019, Dresser received the UCSF Graduate Division Alumnus of the Year Award for his contributions to science and medicine.
"It is a tremendous honor to serve as President of ASCPT," Dresser said. "Volunteering and being part of ASCPT has been a highlight of my career. I look forward to working with students and trainees, scientists, physicians, regulatory professionals, educators, patients and their advocates, and our partners to advance the science and practice of clinical pharmacology and translational medicine for the therapeutic benefit of patients and society. I am especially excited about expanding our efforts in emerging areas of translational science, such as model-informed precision dosing and translational informatics, increasing our partnerships with patient groups, and promoting diversity and inclusion in science."
At Gilead Sciences, a biopharmaceutical company that has pursued and achieved breakthroughs in medicine for more than three decades, Dresser oversees R&D efforts spanning biomarkers, diagnostics, clinical translational science, clinical pharmacology, pharmacometrics, and clinical bioanalysis. He has also served as Global Development Leader for Gilead's Second Generation Remdesivir program.
While very much a private person, Dresser chose to come out in 2008, following his marriage to his husband, J.C. Thomas. He felt a responsibility to share his experiences visibly and openly to further inclusion within the scientific community. Dresser believes that once individuals are empowered to bring their authentic selves into all aspects of their lives, they can lead more comfortable and productive lives, in and out of the office.
"Mark leads with the utmost compassion and curiosity. Not only is he an exceptional scientist, he has a long-standing passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion," said Issam Zineh, MPH, PharmD, outgoing ASCPT President and Director for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Office of Clinical Pharmacology. "I am thrilled to see him lead ASCPT during this uniquely exciting and challenging time."
ASCPT is committed to fostering an environment of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and Dresser's presidency is one of many actions the Society will carry forward in the years to come. You can read the Society's full Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statement here. The leadership, members, and staff of ASCPT consider their ultimate goal the advancement of clinical pharmacology, translational science, and therapeutics for the benefit of ALL patients and society.
Sharon J. Swan, FASAE, CAE
703-836-6981, x 100
SOURCE American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics