ASCPT News: January 2024

Author: [AUTHOR] Published on 1/4/2024 5:00:00 AM

Advance Registration Is Now Available for the ASCPT 2024 Annual Meeting 
It’s January which means that ASCPT’s next Annual Meeting is just months away! Now is the time to secure your Advance registration and housing for this must-attend event. 

Join ASCPT March 27-29 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, for the 2024 Annual Meeting. View the preliminary program to see details on the scientific sessions, award lectures, State of the Art lectures, and networking opportunities built into the 2024 Annual Meeting attendee experience. And remember, you can add an additional day of science to by registering for one of the two Pre-Conference to be held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.    

It may be 2024, but your organization can still save $100 per registration if they register five (5) or more individuals for the Annual Meeting. To be eligible, the Group Registration process established by ASCPT must be followed. Failure to comply with the required registration process will result in an incomplete group registration and no differences in registration rates will be refunded. The group discount applies to full paid registrations only. Complimentary, Emeritus, Student/Trainee, member speaker registrations, and pre-conference-only registrations are not eligible toward the required five (5) registrations and the group registration discount cannot be combined with any other registration discount. Find out more information on our website.  

Visit www.ascpt.org/Meetings/Annual-Meeting for more information or reach out to ASCPT staff at meetings@ascpt.org with questions.

Remember to secure your sleeping room at the host hotel, the beautiful Broadmoor Hotel, using the housing link provided in your registration confirmation email. The ASCPT housing block will fill quickly, so reserve your room soon! 

Questions about Annual Meeting registration and housing can be directed to meetings@ascpt.org

Update Your Member Profile and Communication Preferences
The New Year is an excellent time to ensure your ASCPT membership profile and communication preferences are up to date!

Review your profile and confirm your contact, demographic, and selected Network and Community affiliation information are as complete as possible. This helps ASCPT to better tailor its programs and services so that they clearly reflect our membership.

We also empower you to select the communication you would like to receive from us! While visiting your profile, please take a moment to review and confirm or update your current preferences.

If you need assistance with accessing your Member Dashboard or updating your information, please reach out to the Member Services Team

New Year, New Article Type
Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) is excited to announce the publication of a new article type – the Mechanism of Action Mini Review! These shorter review papers focus on the mechanism of action of drugs that are first-in-class or those with novel mechanisms of action, their pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD), and other characteristics.

Each mini review also features a “Card” that outlines the mechanism of action, indication(s), dosage and administration, major metabolic pathway, and key PK characteristics.

The first two examples of this intriguing new format are now available in the Wiley Online Library. Be sure to check out “Upadacitinib: Mechanism of action, clinical, and translational science,” by Mohamed et al. and “Vericiguat, a novel sGC stimulator: Mechanism of action, clinical, and translational science,” by Trujillo et al. If you’re interested in submitting a Mechanism of Action Mini Review, please refer to the CTS Guide to Authors for formatting guidelines and specifications. 

ASCPT Welcomes Identity Groups
ASCPT wants to continue to foster a feeling of belonging among the diverse members of our Society. To help accomplish this, the Society now welcomes Identify Groups.

Identity Groups will allow people to connect and share experiences, and reflect ASCPT’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging and supports the Society’s mission and vision to advance clinical pharmacology for the benefit of patients and society on a global level. These groups are intended to be self-moderated and managed. They are not intended to have the same formal structures as ASCPT’s Networks and Communities. 

If you are interested in forming an Identity Group, view the Guidelines for Group Formation. Questions about Identity Groups may be sent to Lia Shore

Career Center
Do you have upcoming fellowship or internship positions to fill in the New Year? Make sure you are using the ASCPT Career Center to help you source top candidates at an affordable price.

The ASCPT Career Center allows you to post your open positions in front of the most qualified group of emerging clinical pharmacologists and translational scientists and delivers them directly to their inboxes with the exclusive Job Flash email and our monthly Job Post Digest. 

Fellowship/Internship job posts are available for a nominal fee of $150 for ASCPT members. Visit today to learn more about how our Career Center can help you find your next great fellow or intern. 

Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to Lia Shore.

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