Author: Paulien Ravenstijn, PhD on March 30, 2023 Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) strives to publish high-quality research from across the globe. But how are we doing, and how can we do more?
In 2022, half of all accepted manuscripts were submitted by authors from countries other than the USA. Most of these manuscripts came from European countries (25%), followed by Asian countries (21%), and 4% came from other regions. The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany are the main European contributors.
Since 2019, there has been an increase in the proportion of accepted manuscripts from Europe (17% in 2019 as compared to 25% in 2022). The accepted manuscript contribution from the Asian region stayed the same; whereas, the contribution from North America decreased slightly.
Looking forward,
CTS would like to continue encouraging submissions from all over the world. Since
CTS (like the other ASCPT journals) is published by Wiley, we’d like to point out that Wiley has Open Access partnerships with more than 2,200 institutions in 23 countries, which allows submitting corresponding authors affiliated with eligible institutions to publish Open Access under the agreement in Wiley’s subscription and fully Open Access journals, meaning that the Article Publication Charges (APCs) are partially or entirely covered by the agreement. Therefore, it’s worthwhile to investigate if your institution is amongst them and includes
CTS in the agreement. One such agreement that includes publication in
CTS is Germany’s “Projekt DEAL,” which includes more than 900 institutions. Moreover, institutions in other countries like the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Italy, and Norway have similar deals that also include
CTS. If you cannot determine whether your institution is part of such an agreement, please reach out to the journal staff ( In addition, through our publisher Wiley and their partnership with
CTS offers
waivers and discounts to corresponding authors based in low- and lower to middle-income countries. We hope to welcome many more international
submissions in 2023!
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