CTS: Ringing in 2025, and Looking Back on a Strong 2024!

Author: John A. Wagner, MD, PhD on January 21, 2025


Wishing you a new year filled with breakthroughs in translational science! At Clinical and Translational Science (CTS), we hope you had a wonderful and relaxing holiday season with your family and friends, and wish you a happy, healthy, and successful 2025.

2024 by the numbers:

  • 2023 journal impact factor (IF) (Clarivate): 3.1
  • 2023 CiteScore (Scopus): 6.7
  • 302 articles e-published
  • Articles from 33 countries
  • 35 days average duration from submission to first decision

Looking back at 2024, CTS has had a great year. One of our key objectives continued to be becoming a beacon for the field of translational science. Growth of CTS since we relaunched as an ASCPT journal in 2016 is displayed in the graph above, which bodes well for a continued successful future of the journal.

CTS has expanded its footprint in special collections, themed groupings of papers of topical interest to translational science. Open access special collections at CTS have rolling submission and publication. Articles can be published when they are ready instead of waiting for a special issue. We launched 3 special collections over the past year, Real-World Evidence/Real-World Data with 11 papers, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML), currently clocking in at 17 articles, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, currently with 13 papers. We recently issued a call for papers for a new special collection on Biomarkers, which is scheduled for initial, rolling publication in the second half of 2025. Another exciting, new journal feature is a rapidly growing series of highly translational articles, Mechanism of Action (MOA) mini-reviews. This new series provides a concise, easy-to-understand summary of new therapeutics and boasts a current library of 13 mini-reviews.

In the spirit of a 2024 review, we wanted to celebrate our most impactful contributions. Looking forward to the next IF, the 5 most highly cited papers* in 2024 are listed below. Three of the top 5 most highly cited articles were original research articles. Interestingly, 2 of the 3 original research articles were first-in-human clinical studies, an extremely important, highly translational category.

Impact Factor is just one way to measure journal influence. Another important metric of impact is downloads, which also demonstrated strong results in 2024. Downloads are an obvious impact metric that measures how often journal readers take the time to download an article. CTS downloads have shown impressive growth since we relaunched as an ASCPT journal in 2016. Downloads also demonstrate the value of an Open Access journal, since there is no paywall to prospective readers. The 2024 download winners demonstrate the strong impact of the MOAs – 3 of the top 5 are MOAs, which underlines the utility of these articles.  The 5 most downloaded 2024 CTS articles** were:

CTS prides itself on democratizing science and fighting misinformation with evidence-based social media. In our increasingly digitally-connected world, another measure of journal influence is the altmetric score, which is a measure of the global, public attention articles garner, including through news outlets and social media. Unfortunately, the altmetric score does not include LinkedIn posts, a major social media venue for ASCPT members. The 5 highest 2024 altmetric scores*** in CTS were:

Thanks to all the CTS authors and readers, ASCPT membership, and the many folks who make the journal work – including editors and peer reviewers, as well as ASCPT and Wiley staff. CTS had another successful, impactful year on the journey to becoming a beacon of translational science. The journal owes its success to each and every one of you. We, at CTS, appreciate you!

Do you have the next IF, download, or altmetric winner, new terrific MOA, or contribution to a special collection? Submit to CTS, and find out. Tune into one of our special collections, or submit to one of our new collections this year.

Are you curious about the top cited, downloaded, or ltmetric-winning papers? Read them today and join us in 2025 to help drive our vision for translational science with your submissions.


*Preliminary 2024 impact factor “in-window” citations (i.e., those from articles that will count toward the next IF).

**Number of downloads for an article published in 2024 (through November 30, 2024 as reported on January 8, 2025). 

***Altmetrics calculated through December 31, 2024, associated with any article published in 2023 as reported on January 16, 2025.

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