ASCPT News: November 2023

Author: [AUTHOR] Published on 11/2/2023 5:00:00 AM

Submit Your Late-Breaking, Encore, or Trials in Progress Abstract
There’s still time to have your research considered for presentation at the ASCPT 2024 Annual Meeting. Submit your Late-Breaking, Encore, or Trials in Progress abstract by November 9, 2024.

Join your fellow clinical pharmacologists and translational scientists in Colorado Springs, CO, March 27-29, 2024, and present your research inside a dedicated poster hall. If you have data that could not be finalized before September 14, 2023, due to unavailability of data, submit it as a Late-Breaking abstract. If you have significant, ground-breaking, and innovative findings that were published as an original research article in a peer-reviewed journal on or after January 1, 2023, and that address a question of relevance to clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, submit as an Encore abstract. If you have an ongoing clinical trial, we encourage you to submit within the Trials in Progress category. 

Trials in Progress are designated for abstracts that describe something novel within the application areas of ASCPT, providing “coming attractions” for clinical pharmacologists and translational scientists in practice. Abstracts submitted as Trials in Progress should be ongoing without reportable results at the submission deadline. As such, Trials in Progress should not include results. 

Review full criteria for all abstract submission categories and submit by November 9, 2023, 4:00 PM ET. Questions about criteria or submission can be sent to meetings@ascpt.org.

Don’t Miss a Single Issue of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Renew Your ASCPT Membership Today!
Do you enjoy receiving Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (CPT) direct to your mailbox? Renew your ASCPT membership no later than Thursday, November 16, 2023, so you won’t miss the January issue!

Visit your Member Dashboard at the ASCPT website to access your renewal invoice. Need assistance with your login or prefer to receive your invoice as a PDF file? Contact the Member Services Team. We are here to help!

Submit Your Research on Model-Informed Approaches for Safety/Efficacy Assessment in Pregnancy
CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology (PSP) has opened a Call for Papers for a fourth quarter 2024 themed issue that aims to illustrate recent applications of pharmacometrics and systems pharmacology to improve and optimize drug therapy for pregnant and lactating patients.

Owing to the uncertainty associated with maternal and fetal risk potential following drug exposure, pregnant and lactating patients have historically been excluded from or underrepresented in clinical trials. When included, studies have typically been underpowered or key biomarkers omitted; thus, robust maternal and fetal exposure, safety and efficacy assessments including in breastmilk and infants during breastfeeding cannot be conducted. Last year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a Draft Guidance on “Diversity Plans to Improve Enrollment of Participants from Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Populations in Clinical Trials Guidance for Industry.” While the focus is on race and ethnicity, the FDA encouraged sponsors to also submit plans for other under-represented populations defined by pregnancy and lactation status.

Pharmacometrics and systems pharmacology have been used to guide the drug development process across therapeutic areas and patient populations. This themed issue seeks to spotlight applications of pharmacometrics and systems pharmacology to support and improve clinical trial design, biomarker selection, sample size determination, dose optimization, etc.

For more information about this exciting Call for Papers, click here. If pregnancy and lactation isn’t your area of expertise, check the ASCPT Journal Family’s other open Call for Papers, Getting the Dose Right

Submit Your Application for the Low-to-Middle-Income Country Travel Grant
If you are a clinical pharmacologist or translational scientist who resides in a World Bank-identified low-to-middle-income country (LMIC) who would benefit from the science and networking available during the Annual Meeting, submit your application for the $7,500 LMIC Travel Grant.

Requirements, application criteria, and additional considerations for the LMIC Travel Grant are available on the ASCPT website.

Submit your application to Elise Laffman-Johnson at elise@ascpt.org by November 24, 2023, to be considered for the LMIC Grant for the 2024 Annual Meeting, March 27-29, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. ASCPT’s Global Health Community leaders will assist with the review of all applications and make a recommendation to the ASCPT Officers for final recipient selection.
The LMIC Travel Grant Program reflects ASCPT’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and supports the Society’s mission and vision to advance clinical pharmacology for the benefit of patients and society on a global level.

ASCPT Career Center
Is a new career on your horizon? Are you looking to find the perfect candidate for an available opportunity? ASCPT’s inaugural Virtual Career & Internship Fair is coming in January 2024!

The Virtual Career & Internship Fair will be an excellent opportunity to connect job seekers from around the globe with employers looking to fulfill their recruitment needs. Watch for details coming soon. Until then, we encourage you to visit the year-round ASCPT Career Center for opportunities available now and to see your special discounted member rates for job posts.

Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to lia@ascpt.org.

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